Download Saba Nayagan Eesha Entry Love BGM in HD quality

Listen and download the best edit of Saba Nayagan Eesha Entry Love BGM in HD quality. Saba Nayagan BGM is composed by Leon James.

We extracted and worked on high quality audio of Karthika Muraleedharan Entry BGM from Saba Nayagan. We made it like an official BGM with proper sound balancing and Editing. Hope you all observe and love our work.

Listen amd download Saba Nayagan Heroine Entry BGM in HD quality through the free download link provided below and enjoy this beautiful background score in repeat mode.

Download Saba Nayagan Eesha Entry Love BGM in HD quality

  • BGM name : Eesha Entry BGM HD
  • Movie : Saba Nayagan (2023)
  • Music Director : Leon James
  • Duration : 1 Minute
  • Mixed by : BGM Mixy

Follow BGM Mixy for more upcoming movie BGM and ringtones with the best mixing, vocal removing and quality.

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